The ACP Is Winding Down
The Affordable Connectivity Program stopped accepting new applications and enrollments on February 7, 2024. The last fully funded month of the program is April 2024.
All ACP households enrolled at the time of the enrollment freeze, February 7, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET, will be able to remain enrolled through the final month of ACP service if they are not required to be de-enrolled under FCC rules.
Households that are de-enrolled from the program, such as for failure to use their ACP-supported service, will not be able to re-apply or re-enroll in the ACP during the enrollment freeze.
ACP enrolled households are strongly encouraged to carefully review written notices from their internet company and from the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), the ACP administrator, about the ACP wind-down.
Households are also encouraged to consult their internet company to learn more about how the end of the ACP will impact their internet service and bill.
For more updates about the ACP Wind Down, refer to fcc.gov/ACP and AffordableConnectivity.gov.
ACP Wind-Down Overview Fact Sheet [PDF] | Hoja informativa sobre el fin del programa ACP [PDF]
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers [PDF] | Preguntas frecuentes sobre el fin del programa ACP [PDF]
ACP & Lifeline FAQs [PDF] | ACP y Lifeline: Preguntas Frecuentes [PDF]
ACP Wind-Down Webinar: Video | Powerpoint Slides [PDF]
Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was tasked to develop and maintain the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) – a federal program that offers eligible households a discount on their monthly internet bill and a one-time discount off the purchase of a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet. Over 23 million eligible households are currently enrolled and receiving the monthly discount. However, the $14.2 billion Congress initially made available for the ACP is running out. Due to the lack of additional funding for the ACP, the Commission has announced that April 2024 will be the last month ACP households will receive the full ACP discount, as they have received in prior months. ACP households may receive a partial ACP discount in May 2024. After May 2024, unless Congress provides additional funding, ACP households will no longer receive the ACP benefit and the ACP will end. As a result, the FCC has begun taking steps to wind-down the ACP.
Below are answers to frequently asked questions about the ACP wind-down process (download PDF; preguntas frecuentes sobre el fin del programa ACP - PDF) , along with general FAQs about the ACP.
What is the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)?
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a federal program that offers eligible households a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal Lands. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 toward the purchase of a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating internet companies if the household contributes more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price.
What is happening to the ACP?
The funding initially made available for the ACP is running out. Without additional funding from Congress, April 2024 will be the last month that the ACP households will receive the full ACP discount, as they have received in prior months. ACP households may receive a partial discount in May 2024. Without additional funding from Congress, after May 2024 the ACP will end and ACP households will no longer receive the ACP benefit.
What does wind-down mean for the ACP?
Wind-down refers to steps the Commission is taking to provide information to ACP households on ways to keep their internet connection after the ACP has ended, and to stay informed about changes to their internet bill and service.
When did the ACP stop accepting new applications and enrollments?
The ACP stopped accepting new applications and enrollments on Feb. 8, 2024. Both paper and electronic applications have been removed and are no longer available.
What will happen if the ACP does not receive more funding from Congress?
Without additional funding from Congress, after May 2024 the ACP will end and ACP households will no longer receive the ACP benefit.
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What are the important dates I should be aware of regarding the ACP wind-down?
January 11, 2024: The FCC released an Order detailing the wind-down process.
January 25, 2024: By this date, households that were receiving the monthly ACP discount should have received their first notice from their internet company with information about the end of the ACP.
February 8, 2024: The ACP stopped accepting new applications and enrollments. Both paper and electronic ACP applications were removed and are no longer available. Households approved and signed up with an internet company before this date and remain enrolled in the program will continue to receive their ACP discounts during the wind-down period until the ACP ends.
March 4, 2024: The FCC issued a Public Notice announcing that April 2024 will be the last month for ACP households to receive the full ACP discount, as they have in prior months. ACP households may receive a partial discount in May.
March 19, 2024: ACP households will receive their second notice from their internet company that the ACP is ending and the impact on their internet service and bills. The third notice will be included as part of the last bill or billing cycle in which the full ACP discount is applied.
April 2024: If Congress does not provide additional funding, April 2024 will be the last month ACP households will receive the full ACP discount, as they have received in prior months.
May 2024: If Congress does not provide additional funding, ACP households may receive a partial ACP discount from their internet company in May 2024.
After May 2024: If Congress does not provide additional funding, the ACP will run out of funding and ACP households will no longer receive the ACP benefit.
What does the "last fully funded month of the ACP in April 2024" mean?
The last fully funded month of the ACP refers to the last month (April 2024) ACP households will receive the full ACP discount, as they have received in prior months.
What does "partial ACP discount in May 2024" to ACP households mean?
After providing the last full discounts in April 2024, ACP households may receive a partial ACP discount from their internet company in May 2024 if (1) they have opted in to continue to receive internet service after the end of the full ACP discount, and (2) their internet company decides to provide the partial discount. Internet companies will notify ACP households if the partial ACP discount would apply to them. ACP households can also contact their internet company to answer questions.
How will internet companies determine how much of a partial discount to provide ACP households in May 2024?
Internet companies will have the option of whether they want to provide a partial ACP discount in May 2024. If an internet company decides to provide a partial discount in May, it will be up to the internet company to decide the amount of the partial discount. The partial discount will only be provided to ACP households that have opted in to continue their internet service even if the ACP ends. Internet companies will notify ACP households if the partial ACP discount may apply to them. ACP households can also contact their internet company to answer questions.
How can ACP households opt out of their current internet service when the ACP ends?
ACP households can decide to no longer continue their current internet service after the ACP ends ("opt-out"). They do so by contacting their internet company and telling them that they do not wish to receive internet service from the company after the end of ACP.
How will ACP households know if they are opted in to continue internet service after the ACP ends?
ACP households may have been asked by their internet company if they wish to continue service (opt in) after the ACP has ended. ACP households may have been asked this when they signed up to receive the ACP discount with their internet company or more recently.
ACP households will continue to receive internet service after the ACP ends if they:
Previously agreed to continue internet service from their internet company.
Paid for internet service from their internet company BEFORE they started receiving the ACP discount.
Currently contribute to the cost of their internet service even with the ACP discount applied.
This includes households that contribute to the cost of any portion of bundled services (such as those offering voice, internet, and texting or video and internet) that include ACP-supported internet service.
ACP households will NOT continue to receive internet service after the ACP ends, if they:
DID NOT previously agree to continue internet service after the end of ACP.
Have not paid their internet company for service.
If a household is not sure if they previously opted in or opted out to receiving service from their internet company after the ACP has ended, the household should contact their internet company and discuss their options.
As a current household receiving the ACP discount, what will the notices from internet companies look like?
During the wind-down period, internet companies are required to send ACP households three (3) separate notices about the ACP ending and its impact on household internet bills and service. Internet companies are also required to send notices to ACP households in writing and in a manner that is accessible to persons with disabilities.
First Notice: By January 25, 2024, ACP households should have received their first written notice from their internet company informing them that the ACP is ending and the impact on their service and bill.
Second Notice: By March 19, 2024, ACP households should have received their second written notice from their internet company, informing them that April 2024 will be the last month to receive the full ACP discount, as they have received in prior months.
Final (Third) Notice: This notice will be included as part of the last bill or billing cycle in which the full ACP discount is applied.
Are ACP internet companies allowed to send more than three (3) notices to their consumers?
Yes, the FCC encourages ACP internet companies to send more notices and to include additional information on any low-cost internet plans available. ACP households should closely review notices they get from their internet company.
What happens if Congress provides additional funding for the ACP?
If Congress provides more funding for the ACP, the FCC will share further information on how the ACP will continue at that time.
What other ways can ACP households get details about the end of ACP?
In addition to notices from internet companies, ACP households will also receive notices from the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), the administrator of the ACP. Households can also visit fcc.gov/acp and AffordableConnectivity.gov for more information about the status of the ACP.
What consumer protections are available to ACP households during wind-down and after the ACP ends?
During the ACP wind-down, ACP internet companies are still responsible for following the consumer protection requirements in the ACP rules. Some of the ACP rules will continue even after the ACP has ended. The ACP rules include, but are not limited to:
Transferring ACP discount: During the ACP Wind-Down, households can continue to transfer their ACP discount to other participating internet companies who continue to accept ACP transfers.
Terminating Service: ACP internet companies cannot end an eligible ACP household's internet service for failure to pay for service until 90 days has passed since the bill due date. However, with advance notice, ACP internet companies can switch the household to a lower-cost internet plan if the household enters a delinquent status after the bill due date. This rule will be in place for as long as the household continues to receive the ACP discount.
Early Termination Fees: If a household applied their ACP discount to an internet plan that has a service contract, the internet company cannot charge the household an early termination fee for ending that service contract early, even after the ACP ends.
For more information refer to the ACP Wind-Down Order, the ACP Wind-Down 60-Day Public Notice, and the consumer guides located on the FCC's website at www.fcc.gov/acp.
If ACP households have more questions, who should they contact other than their internet company?
ACP households can contact USAC for questions about the ACP ending by reaching the ACP Support Center at 877-384-2575 or by going to AffordableConnectivity.gov for information about the status of the program. Consumers can also file a complaint through the FCC's Consumer Complaint Center at https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov about ACP billing and service issues.
What should ACP households do to prepare for the impact of the ACP benefit ending?
After the ACP ends, ACP households will no longer receive the ACP discount on their monthly internet bill. To prepare for the end of the ACP, households are strongly encouraged to:
Consistently check their emails, text messages, and mail for notices from their internet companies about the ACP ending and how it will impact their internet bill.
Contact their internet company and ask whether the internet company has a lower cost plan and/or program available. When calling the internet company, households should make sure they have account and billing information available.
Visit AffordableConnectivity.gov for more updates regarding the ACP.
Visit www.fcc.gov/acp to access the FCC's Wind-Down Order, 60-day Public Notice, consumer guides, and outreach materials about the ACP wind-down process.
What should I say when contacting my internet company about the ACP ending?
Here are some recommended questions that ACP households should ask when contacting their internet company to discuss options after the ACP ends:
How will my internet bill change after April 2024?
Will I continue to receive internet service after the ACP ends (did I opt in or out previously)?
If so, what will be my out-of-pocket expense for my internet service after the ACP ends?
If I did not previously opt-in to receive internet service after the ACP ends, what should I do if I decide I want to continue internet service?
Are there other low-cost internet plans that will meet my household needs?
If so, how can I sign up for a lower cost plan?
Will the quality of my internet service change by switching to a lower cost plan?
If yes, by how much?
Will I notice a difference based on how I use my internet service today?
Does the internet company have a program based on my income?
If so, will I qualify automatically because I received ACP monthly discount?
If I do not automatically qualify based on my ACP enrollment, how do I qualify for the internet company's program?
Households should prepare to discuss how their household uses internet service. For example, occasional or frequent teleworkers, students with homework, devices supported by internet connection. Ask how much the recommended internet plan will cost.
What other FCC federal programs are available to help households with their internet bill?
ACP households may also be eligible for the FCC's Lifeline program, which offers up to $9.25 a month off phone, internet, or bundled phone and internet services (up to $34.25 if you live on qualifying Tribal lands). Not all ACP recipients will qualify for Lifeline and not all ACP internet companies participate in the Lifeline Program. To learn more and apply, visit lifelinesupport.org.