Your home needs work. It’s been many years since you did the proper maintenance and cosmetic keep up on it. Who knows, maybe it’s a lack of money or some other distraction. Now it’s time to sell it. Perhaps there’s a new job in another part of the country. Or, you married well. Maybe to a spouse who wants you to move into a palatial mansion. You call a real estate agent. The agent explains you’ll have to put up a minimum of thirty-thousand dollars into the property to fetch the market value. There’s not a lot of time on your side so you start looking for a contractor. You find one. He’s all smiles, moving around the house telling you how he’s going to do this and he’s going to do that. You explain what your budget is, and he says not to worry about it. He’ll start the work right away, and in a few days, he’ll send you a contract. STOP RIGHT THERE!! Never let a contractor begin work on your house until everything is in writing. Have him write a contract before he begins any type of work. Go over it with him, line by line. It’s your money. The most important thing is the end date - when will he finish the job. Is the price he is giving you firm, or did he allow wiggle room for additional expenses? If you don’t understand it completely, have an attorney look at it. Make sure that you both sign the contract in front of a notary or attorney. Don’t get sidetracked. Don’t fall into a trap that costs you your shirt to get rid of the guy. Understand what you are signing. Not all, but many contractors are not to be trusted. They can be sneaky and underhanded. Be wary of them.
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