1. Auto Sales: Several complaints arise around consumer purchases. Your car is the big one. It begins from the time you start looking for a car, as the advertising can be misleading. Car dealerships do all kinds of things that can jam you up. You can get stuck with a defective vehicle that needs several types of repairs. You might have purchased an extended warranty but be careful. Unless you know that you are getting a full-blown factory warranty, watch out for the exclusions. Many of your car parts and labor may not be covered under a warranty you might have paid over a couple of thousand dollars for when you purchased the car. We have had clients come to us with car problems they have been fighting for months, and sometimes we have to get creative. One time we had to call the Nevada Attorney General’s office over failed disclosure issue, where no Carfax was issued, and it was later found that the car had been in two accidents. Once the Attorney General got involved the car dealership was offered to give a refund or an upgrade to a better car. Sometimes you have to play hardball.
2. Home improvements involving Contractors, Subs, and Handymen. The big complaint here is lowballing, bad workmanship, or job stalling. This is a big category because of the money that can be lost by home and business owners when a repair company that is not legitimate starts slacking off and makes mistakes or starts moving the price of the job around. Before hiring a handyman or contractor check them out. Check the Internet for reviews on their company. Go to sites like Rip Off Report to see if they’ve had problems in the past. Make sure they have all the up-to-date licenses and permits to do work on your home. Check if they are bonded, and how much their bond covers for compensation to you if something goes wrong.
3. Consumer Complaints: (Brick and Mortar Retail sales/Online Sales) In this area of commerce you have all sorts of problems that starts with bad advertising. On purchases electronic purchases, for instance, a large flat-screen TV’s, you can run into some serious warranty problems. I can’t stress enough how important it is to check a warranty before you buy a product. Many times, you can download warranties for lots of products online. Check for the exclusions, the one area of the warranty contract you need to read and try and understand. Many warranties have come-ons to them like “Full Warranty or “Complete Warranty,” but that is not always true. When you go over the exclusions you should be able to get a fair deal or what is covered and what is not. When you make a purchase look to see what the terms are for returns; how long you have to make the return. Is there a restocking fee? In all these scenarios, go out of your way to do the best you can to protect yourself.
4. Landlord and Tenant Issues: Landlord issues revolve around leases, rent, and the ability of the landlord to keep a property up to safe living conditions. The tenant also has an obligation to keep the property in good condition There are also problems with expectations of both parties when it comes to things like repairs, rent deposits, and unfulfilled promises for perhaps, certain amenities that were never provided by the landlord. There may be several things that are difficult to resolve in the tenant/landlord relationship. If you need help, you should reach out for it.
5. CREDIT COMPLAINTS: There are so many complaints about credit dept because there is so much of it. These are the common kinds of depts people take on at some time in their lives: Student Loans, Mortgages, Car Loans, and Credit Card Dept Scammers often target these forms of debt, ranging from “billing and fee disputes. They most often use predatory and abusive practices in their debt collection efforts. This issue of abuse is exacerbated when it comes to student loans, in particular. Most states have put a stay on collecting for student loans because of the coronavirus. The federal government enacted an interest-free payment pause. But consumers are constantly getting calls from companies that say we can help you do this… we can get you into that program, or that program. The Robo Calls, the guarantees to eliminate dept for thirty-nine dollars a month, are the things you must be suspicious and careful about. The bad ones, and there are a lot of them, will take you around in circles and extract as much money and information out of you as they can. They will do nothing for you. Take your money and run. And what can you do? Call the cops. Call the Attorney General’s Office? Good Luck. Some of these dishonorable groups can be very risky and dangerous to get involved with. So, don’t get involved with them.
6. Communication services: You sign up with a new provider that offers a cheap deal when you combine your cell phone and Internet service. You start getting lousy reception on both your Internet and phone. You call the company out to perform service and it takes days for them to come out and they still don’t fix the problem. Your phone isn’t working properly, and you have been back and forth to the store where you bought it several times to get it working right. You use this company for about six months and find out you started with a teaser fee and now the monthly cost for service will just about double. You begin to look into this company and find out they do not have all the required licenses and registrations to be operating and promising the things they are pretending to do. You want to get rid of them, but if you breach the contract, they will notify the credit bureaus. We have gone as far as contacting the attorney general’s office to solve this type of issue.